7 New ALBEDO Christmas You Tube Videos in 1080 HD!
I've uploaded 7 new videos to You
Tube over the past month. All are from my latest album ALBEDO
Christmas. The link above is for the playlist that contains all 7
videos. The videos are a combination of views of some of the programs
and instruments involved in created the songs, and can be viewed in
1080 HD.
ALBEDO Christmas was released back
on November 1st, and is available on CD or through mp3 download. It's
currently available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, Google Play, plus
many more. It's also currently on sale at the Karaoke Shop at Day
Murray Music for only $8.99 (801-266-3538).
The album is a collection of
secular and sacred Christmas songs using live and synthetic elements.
Ranging from solo piano, to chamber orchestra, to full symphonic
score with choir. The music is similar in style to Mannheim
Steamroller, Kurt Bestor, and Jon Schmidt. I sing all the vocal parts
myself, including the solos and the choir parts. I also play a lot of
different woodwind instruments including Clarinet, Oboe, and
Recorders, all of which are used on the album. Everything else is
achieved digitally through the use of synthetics and virtual
orchestra samples.
If for some reason you are not
able to view the playlist, the link below is for the Jingle Bells
video, which is the first song featured. Enjoy!