Friday, November 23, 2012

ALBEDO Christmas now on iTunes, Amazon, plus more!

ALBEDO Christmas is now available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, Google Play, plus many more!



      My brand new Christmas album was released on November 1st, and is now available on CD or mp3 download. It's currently available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, Google Play, plus many more. For those of you who live in Salt Lake City, the CD is currently in stock at the Karaoke Shop at Day Murray Music for only $8.99 (4914 S. State St.).

      The album is a collection of secular and sacred Christmas songs using live and synthetic elements. Ranging from solo piano, to chamber orchestra, to full symphonic score with choir. The music is similar in style to Mannheim Steamroller, Kurt Bestor, and Jon Schmidt. I sing all the vocal parts myself, including the solos and the choir parts. I also play a lot of different woodwind instruments including Clarinet, Oboe, and Recorders, all of which are used on the album. Everything else is achieved digitally through the use of synthetics and virtual orchestra samples.

     Videos are already up on You Tube, including a demo of the album, plus several full songs. The link to my You Tube channel is listed below. Feel free to subscribe and like my videos.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

ALBEDO Christmas Now Available!


ALBEDO Christmas was released Today and is now available in CD or mp3 format!

      Our brand new Christmas album was released today, November 1st, and is now available on CD or mp3 download. I couldn't in good conscious release a Christmas album before Halloween, so I waited until today. It's already up on iTunes and Google Play, plus several more will be available soon.

      The album is a collection of secular and sacred Christmas songs using live and synthetic elements. Ranging from solo piano, to chamber orchestra, to full symphonic score with choir. The music is similar in style to Mannheim Steamroller, Kurt Bestor, and Jon Schmidt. I sing all the vocal parts myself, including the solos and the choir parts. I also play a lot of different woodwind instruments including Clarinet, Oboe, and Recorders, all of which will be used on the album. Everything else is achieved digitally through the use of synthetics and virtual orchestra samples.

      I'm currently in the process of working on some videos for You Tube for all the songs from the album. Once they have been uploaded I'll let you know, but it'll probably take awhile. HD video takes a long time to render and upload.

      Also, this doesn't have anything to do with the Christmas album, but last Sunday the Silverwood Clarinet Choir performed an arrangement of the song “Creaturehouse” from our Digital Fingers album. They're from Syracuse, NY and played it at their Halloween concert. Below is a link on You Tube where you can hear the performance (audio only).

      I hope you had a happy and safe Halloween. Until next time!