Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ALBEDO Symphony No. 1 on iTunes & Amazon

ALBEDO "Symphony No. 1" is now on iTunes & Amazon

      Our brand new album “Symphony No. 1” is now available on iTunes and Amazon! Both links are listed above, and the best part is it's only $5 to download on either website.

      The album is a five movement symphony based on the music from “Forgotten Lands”. If you're not familiar with “Forgotten Lands” it was an album released last year, and is the soundtrack to a video game by TBC Productions. For this album I took the music I wrote for the video game and made it bigger. I re-did the orchestrations and completely re-did the recordings. I put similar songs together and ended up with 5 different movements, while expanding some songs and putting in some brand new sections.

      Also, this might be a little early to talk about the holidays, but we do have a Christmas album coming out next month. I'll definitely be sending out more e-mails when the time get's closer, but it will not be released until after Halloween!


Friday, October 5, 2012



Special 7-day Free Download of our latest album "Symphony No 1". Includes high quality mp3s and PDF Sheet Music. Offer will expire on Friday night Oct. 12th. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New ALBEDO album coming next week!

New ALBEDO album coming next week!

There is a brand new ALBEDO album and it's officially released next week on Monday the 8th of October. It's called: “Symphony No. 1”.

The album is a five movement symphony based on the music from “Forgotten Lands”. If you're not familiar with “Forgotten Lands” it was an album released last year, and is the soundtrack to a video game by TBC Productions. For this album I took the music I wrote for the video game and made it bigger. I re-did the orchestrations and completely re-did the recordings. I put similar songs together and ended up with 5 different movements, while expanding some songs and putting in some brand new sections.

The music, recordings, and CD design are all finished. I'm just finishing up with the sheet music this week which will also be available upon the album release.

You can get a Pre-Order CD right now for only $5. It will cost more once the album has been released since it'll only be available through established retailers. We are now a wholesale company, which means we no longer sell our products directly to the consumer. Products will be shipped off to already established retail companies and they will be the ones who will sell everything from now on.

If you can't possibly stand to wait another week, the album is currently available to listen to on the bandcamp website at the link below. Enjoy!
