I've added a few new pages to my website. “Free MP3” and “Royalty Free Music”!
The Free mp3 page has free downloads of various songs I've written over the past 7 years. Including songs from the albums “7th Heaven” and “Digital Fingers”. It even has a few songs that haven't been released yet.
The Royalty Free page also has free downloads, but these has been designed specifically for film makers to use in their films. It includes some of my songs and also some well known classical pieces.
No e-mail required, no registration, just follow the link and download all you want!
For those of you who missed the performance of Kelly Richardson's “Battle of Shiloh” at Carnegie Hall last month, you will get a second chance to hear it. The American West Symphony will be performing it on Wednesday June 29th. It will be at the Sandy Amphitheater 9400 S. 1300 E. in Salt Lake City, UT and will start at 8:00pm. And the best part is...it's free admission! If you miss it you can still hear it on the album “Digital Fingers” by ALBEDO.